Privacy Policy

The User who wants to provide their personal data through this website must be of legal age.For the purposes of the LOPD, Users are informed that the data obtained through the completion of the different forms of the website will be subject to automated processing, whose responsible and recipient is INMACULADA SANCHEZ RUIZ, hereinafter «INMA’S BEAUTY CENTER», with CIF: 74826971J and registered office at Calle Sanlúcar 2, Urb. Torrenueva, 29649, La Cala de Mijas, Málaga (Spain) and email address any case, there is currently the following purpose:1-Obtaining the necessary data of the User for the sending of information regarding services requested by usersThe data collected in the form of the tab «WRITE US» are the name of the applicant, email and the data provided to be able to give the information about the service consulted.The User will give his express consent for INMA’S BEAUTY CENTER to process his personal data, in accordance with the conditions described in this section, when he clicks on the «I accept» of the form and, subsequently, proceed to «Send» it.2- Develop commercial actions in general, and in particular, offer and / or recommend services of the company, which may be of interest, taking into account the preferences contracted in the past. The recommendation of services will not be based on a profile obtained from an automated data processing, it will only be valued based on previously requested servicesTRANSFER OF DATANo transfers are made of the data obtained in these formsHOW LONG WILL WE KEEP YOUR PERSONAL DATA?We will keep your data as long as the purpose for which they have been collected is maintained and you do not request the cancellation of them from our files. When it is no longer necessary for this purpose or you request the cancellation of the same, we will keep blocked those data that may be necessary during the legally established periods to address any question related to your treatment, up to a maximum of 1 year. Once the legal deadlines have elapsed, personal data will be deleted by adopting the appropriate security measures to guarantee their total destruction.SECURITY MEASURESThe person responsible for the file has adopted the security levels of protection of Personal Data legally required, and has installed all the means and technical measures available according to the state of technology to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the Personal Data provided. WHAT RIGHTS DOES YOUR DATA HAVE AND HOW CAN YOU EXERCISE THEM?Along with the right to be informed of the way we are doing so in this clause, you have the following rights:-Access rights to know what data of yours is being processed, for what purposes, the origin of the same and if we communicate them or have communicated them to third parties-Right to modify your data when they are incomplete or inaccurate;-Right to delete your data if the purpose for which you provided them has disappeared, the treatment is not lawful, or revoke your consent and other cases provided for by law-Right of opposition to prevent us from processing your data for certain purposes, or request that we stop doing so although it is only possible in the cases established by law-Right to request the limitation of the treatment while the challenge of the accuracy of the same is verified, or understands that the treatment is illegal and opposes the deletion of the data, or INMA’S BEAUTY CENTER no longer needs the data but needs them for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims, or has opposed the treatment of the same for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest while the verification of the data existence of the aforementioned interest and its prevalence over yours-Right to portability to receive your data in a structured and commonly used electronic format and to be able to transmit them to another person in charge-Right not to be subject to automated individual decisions so that we do not make a decision about you based only on the processing of your data that produces legal effects in your personal sphere or affects you in a similar way.To exercise any of these rights, you can write by letter or email addressed to the address of INMA’S BEAUTY CENTER that appears in the «Legal Notice» section.